Humans Are the Real Monsters: In a few episodes, the ghosts of the week are merely a result of crimes committed by truly awful living people. Haunted House: Many an episode focuses on one of these.
The children ghosts in "The Bad Man" warn the living about the titular character.The ghost nicknamed 'Nick' in "The Good Skeleton" functions as one for the family, acting as the young daughter's imaginary friend, he warns them about the malign 'Bad Skeleton' and eventually drives it away to protect them.Good All Along: In episodes with "good" ghosts, the living encounter them before the "bad" ghosts and fear them before they get the whole picture.Feathered Fiend: During the exorcism in "The Tenants", a large number of black birds appear from nowhere and start flying around the Haunted House.Fate Worse than Death: If you believe ghosts are physically trapped entities instead of echoes of the living, then Amelia Vedere is still in that house, long after she committed suicide, and is still being brutalized by Ben with no signs of end.
Turns out a couple of deaths in the area had managed to spiritually poison the area, manifesting a dark force that is the cause of the sinister happenings in the episode.
Evil Tainted Place: In “The Dark Pond” the Big Bad was less of the resident ghosts and more an evil pond, as strange as it sounds. Evil-Detecting Dog: In "Watched in the Wilderness", the deer shows no fear of the human, but runs away as fast as it can when it smells the bigfoot. She can still be heard being abused by Ben years later, so she might still be there, being tormented by him. Ben Vedere's wife, Amelia, hanged herself in the basement of their house after years of being physically and sexually assaulted by him. Both officers interviewed for the episode describe this as very cliché, but Officer Meloro points out that nothing else in the area is open at that hour. Donut Mess with a Cop: In "Trumbull County UFO", some police officers working a night shift meet at a donut shop for an informal briefing. Domestic Abuse: Ben Vedere, the Big Bad in "The Tenants", abused his wife and possibly his children. Deal with the Devil: The episode "The Contract" deals with the fallout from someone making one of these via an online RPG. Daylight Horror: Many episodes show paranormal phenomena at night, but many others happen during the day. The Creepy Child ghosts in "The Bad Man" only want to warn and protect the living from him. 'Nick' in "The Good Skeleton" is the ghost of a dead motorcyclist and is perfectly benign, but still looks like a mutilated body from when the crash that killed him. Particularly the boy, who has very dark eye bags and very pale skin, and is dressed in black. Creepy Child: The child ghosts in "The Bad Man". Cat Scare: In "Watched in the Wilderness", the deputy walks on an unsuspecting deer while being chased by a bigfoot. They also suspect that the ghost is a deceased member of their family and that she appears as a child because her childhood was the happiest time of her life, and this is a comforting idea for them. Even at the end the owners of the house have come to tolerate and even appreciate the spirit's presence. It's only a little girl ghost and nothing overly freaky happens. Breather Episode: "Ghost in the Garden". Blatant Lies: At the end of "The Tenants", the Exorcist claims to have cleansed the house, but it is clear from his body language and the still present bizarre phenomena that he didn't believe it himself. The living often feel the presence of the ghosts and think they are being watched before they can see them.
Being Watched: A common phenomenon in Haunted House episodes.Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: "Watched in the Wilderness" deals with a sheriff's deputy being stalked and hunted by a very aggressive bigfoot in the Cascade mountains.Abusive husband and parent, and sexual pervert, who died in the house from a heart attack while in the bathtub. A pedophile victim of a Vigilante Execution, who still wants to hurt children. If one believes that it truly happened, then at least we know that aliens are benign creatures.
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The series premiered on September 7, 2011, on Syfy. Paranormal Witness is an American paranormal reality television series that features eyewitness accounts from everyday people who claim to have experienced paranormal activity.